The NEMC Hub is powered by expertise and driven by leadership with 200+ organizations and growing.
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative - Hub Lead | Harvard University | RAITH |
35ELEMENTS Corp | Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) | Raytheon Technologies |
401 Tech Bridge | Hushmesh, Inc. | Redwood EDA |
Activate Global | HyperLight | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Advanced Science Research Center Nanofabrication Facility | Impact Nano, LLC | ResCon Technologies, LLC. |
Advanced Silicon Group | IN2FAB | Rhode Island Economic Development |
AEGIS Aerospace | Intel Corporation | Riverlane |
Aerocyonics Imaging | Imec IC-Link USA | Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc. |
Aerocyonics, Inc. | Intrinsix Corp. | RSM Electron Power/Sensitron Semiconductor |
AFFOA | IQE | Rugged MicroPower |
Agni Semiconductor | Irradiant Technologies | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Akoustis | Izentis LLC | Sangtera Inc. |
Amherst College | Jariet Technologies | Siemens Government Technologies |
AMI | Kinnami Software Corporation | SiFive |
Analog Devices | Kyocera AVX Components Corporation | Silicon Assurance |
Analog Photonics | L3Harris Technologies | Silvaco Inc. |
Anduril Industries | Lintrinsic Semiconductor Inc. | SIONYX, LLC |
Ansys | Lockheed Martin | SiPhox |
APEX Accelerators | MACOM Technology Solutions, Inc. | Sivers Semiconductors |
Applied Materials | Maine MEP | SIXDOTX, LLC |
ARM Institute | Marvell Government Solutions | SixLine Semiconductor |
ASMPT | Massachusetts APEX Accelerator | SkyWater Technology Foundry |
Astrabeam LLC | Massachusetts Association of Community Colleges | Soctera, Inc. |
Atlantic Quantum | Massachusetts Bay Technologies | Spark Photonics |
Atomic Data Sciences | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | State of New Hampshire |
Aura Intelligent Systems | MassHire North Central Workforce Board | State of Rhode Island |
Ayar Labs, Inc. | MassHire Workforce Boards | StethX Microsystems, Inc. |
Ayo Electronics | MassMEP | Stonehill College |
BAE Systems | MassVentures | SunRay Scientific, Inc. |
Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology | Maury Microwave | Synopsys |
Berkshire Community College | Mercury System | Syrnatec, Inc. |
Berkshire Innovation Center | Metis Microsystems | Tagore Technology |
BioSens8, Inc. | Micro-Precision Technologies, Inc. | Teradyne |
Bluebird Photonics | Microchip Technology, Inc. | TetraMem Inc. |
Boston Cybernetics Institute, PBC | Middlesex Community College | Texas A&M University |
Boston Materials, Inc. | Millimeter Wave Systems, LLC | The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory |
Boston University | MIT Lincoln Laboratory | The Engine |
Brandstrom Instruments, Inc. | MITRE Engenuity | The MITRE Corporation |
Bridgewater State University | Moog, Inc. | TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. |
Brooks Automation US, LLC | Morgan State University | Tower Semiconductor |
Bunker Hill Community College | Mosaic Microsystems | Toyon Research Group |
Cactus Materials, Inc. | MRSI Mycronic | Transene Company, Inc. |
Cadence Design Systems | My Headlamp | Tufts University |
Cambridge Consultants | Nano Dimension | Ubicept |
Cambridge Terahertz, Inc. | Nano OPS, Inc. | University at Buffalo |
ClassOne Technology | Nantero | University of Connecticut |
Collins Aerospace | Nautilus Defense | University of Maine |
Columbia University | New Edge Signal Solutions | University of Maryland |
Community College of Southern New Hampshire | New England Regional Defense Industry Collaboration | University of Massachusetts |
Community College of Rhode Island | New Jersey MEP | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Connecticut Community Colleges | New York University | University of Massachusetts Boston |
Connecticut Manufacturing Consulting Services (CONNSTEP) | NextFlex | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth |
Connecticut MEP | New Hampshire MEP | University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Copious Imaging | nOhm Devices, Inc | University of New Hampshire |
Dartmouth College | Nokia of America Corporation | University of Pennsylvania |
DeepCharge, Inc. | Non-Von LLC | University of Rhode Island |
Dive Technologies | Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC) | University of South Carolina |
Diversified Technologies | Northeastern University | University of Tennessee |
DuPont | Northrop Grumman | University of Vermont |
Dust Identity, Inc. | Nubis Communications | Vapor Cell Technologies |
EFC Gases & Advanced Materials | Olin College of Engineering | Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center (VMEC) |
eM-TECH, Inc. | Onto Innovation | Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development |
Energetiq Technology | Otava, Inc. | Vermont State Colleges System |
EngeniusMicro | Ozark Integrated Circuits Inc. | Vyir, Inc. |
EPC Space | p-Chip Corporation | Western New England University |
Ephemeron Labs | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) |
Ericsson | Pendar Technologies | Yale UniversityX-Sight, Inc. |
Eridan Communications | Photonwares Corp. | Zepsor Technologies, Inc. |
EVA Technology Corp. | Physical Sciences, Inc. | Zero Asic |
Evolve Diamonds LLC | Pilar VC | Ziva Corporation |
Expedited Climb Capital | Pison | |
Ferric, Inc. | Plaid Semiconductors | |
Finwave Semiconductor, Inc. | Polaris MEP | |
Fourier Dynamics | Powerex, Inc. | |
GE Research | PQSecure Technologies | |
Global Foundries | Pratt & Whitney | |
GPD Optoelectronics | Princeton Innotech | |
Gradient Tech | Princeton University | |
Graphenea, Inc. | PSI Quantum | |
Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce - Smart Manufacturing Consortium | Quantum Microwave Components, LLC | |
Green Mountain Semiconductor | Quantum Network Technologies, Inc. | |
GreenSource Fabrication LLC | QuEra | |
Guardion, Inc. | RaGE Systems, Inc. |